Knowledge Base Update
Still moving over information from Dark Reflections to this site.
It’s taking a while because I keep pausing to read everything. Visiting these old characters and stories brings back fond memories. You know, like when you pick off the shelf your old book of Harry Potter, dust it off, and then open it. You remember a sketch, maybe a chapter name, then you start reliving your favorite moments again.
I read:
I realized as I read the elaborate description of the bath, that I had forgotten about it. Ironic, considering what the story is about. But, as the words passed, the connections were made in my memories, and a clear picture was one again created. I’m pretty sure that the stone wall with all the trinkets on it was Pashen’s idea, that was particularly fun to read over as Thayne is looking over items that had to have meaning, but he has forgotten. Items that I’ve forgotten about, too.
I’m going to keep digging and posting.