Proudglaive, Direlands
Land of the snow bear, of the ice lion and the white dragon, war-torn and ravaged by frigid winds, stark heights of frozen mountain and glacier, broad stretches of ice-bound lake, owning little of warmth or gentleness. A land of strength, power and survival, where anything gained must be hunted, scrabbled for, fought with and frequently, won by right of arms. Home to the hardiest of races; dwarves, orcs, frost giants, rugged humans, and the rare group of ice elves; creatures tough and gnarled as the roots of the very mountains, or that seem as delicate as the thin sheen of crystal ice on the surface of clear water, yet are strong and dangerous as the glacier-riddled lands they inhabit. A short summer gives little respite from the chill clime, with the hovering menace of the snow-peaked mountains an ever-present reminder that all too soon, the warmer season will end. Within the milder lands of the southern-most regions lies Proudglaive, land of the ice-lion and main trade port, on the frigid Ezirak River.