02. Cornered Mouse by jumeau

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Cornered Mouse

Temptress’ statuesque form stayed as it had for the past two weeks, perfectly sculpted in precise detail. Her arms reached outward, grasping at something forever unobtainable, her face still locked in its frozen scream.

Darkness swirled around the statue like tendrils of smoke. The darkness crept up behind her and then solidified. Colors shifted from black outward until the form of Jumeau stood behind her. One arm was wrapped around her cold waist the other hand upon her shoulder; his chin rested mockingly upon the back of his hand.

“Evening Sister, or should I call you something else?” He chuckled lightly and ran a single finger down the profile of her mask, “That’s right, I know everything now, precious. The damage that Bluewings did to me has been undone. I know now my full potential.”

“More importantly, I remember the oath I swore: To destroy you and our cursed Family. OUR Family, ironic isn’t it?” He stepped around her and draped his arms over her shoulders, smiling at the round openness her mouth created.

“Saker has been dealt with. I wont go into the details, they aren’t that important.” His fingers lightly brushed over her crystalline hair. “And Rook… Dear Rook … ” He leaned in close, whispering in her ear, “He’s so screwed up right now he doesn’t know who he is. But, he is with beautiful Jasmine.. alone.. and he is in such agony. The present is what is important, don’t you agree? It’s what he lives by. Past and future, are nothing. Did you know they spent the night together? He was very much in some sort of animalistic frame of mind, and she was completely needy. They make quite the couple. One needs love and the other loves too much.”

Pulling away from the statue, a chuckle hissed from his lips, “If I can get this news to Bluewings, I might get two birds with one stone!”

“That leaves two siblings still fluttering about. Two little bats whose wings need clipping.” He backed up a step, the chains on his belt jingled lightly in rhythm with the predatory swagger in his stature. Leaning against the coral pillar his back met, he reached upward; stretching like a happy snake that was enjoying the slow death of a mouse he had just cornered.

A sadistic grin spread across his lips, “I sleep in your bed at night, wondering why things had to be this way. Why you had to betray me. I sleep in your bed, with whichever servant interests me. Ravn Acres is mine, to use and to destroy. When I obliterate the final two siblings, I will burn it to the ground. Then, I will clutch the masque of Ancient Childe.. sweet INNOCENT Ancient Childe in my hands, and crush her visage to powder.”

Crimson lights fueled by fury filtered through the closed eyes of his mask like a pair of smoldering coals. Stepping forward he spat, “I know you hear me. I don’t tell you this mockingly. You will bare witness to everything! The destruction of your Family, the ruination of your life! You cast me out and you will carry the weight of all this upon your shoulders, MOTHER. This I swear!”

Mon, Feb 11th – 1:50AM